Mijn indruk van Student Hotel

Wat ik zelf ook zo vaak lees in de reviews, is dat de lobby echt een eyecatcher is. Toen ik er aankwam, voelde het meteen stijlvol en uitnodigend aan. De kamers zijn inderdaad slim ingedeeld en de bedden super comfortabel, wat voor een goede nachtrust zorgt. Toch hoor je ook regelmatig klagen over de strikte annuleringsvoorwaarden. In mijn geval was dit geen probleem, maar ik kan me voorstellen dat het lastig is voor wie last-minute plannen heeft. Een tip voor Student Hotel zou zijn om wat meer flexibiliteit te bieden bij reserveringswijzigingen, misschien met lagere kosten. Daarnaast kan de klantenservice soms wat traag reageren. Een snellere en vriendelijkere afhandeling zou zeker gewaardeerd worden. Over het algemeen blijven de positieve zaken de overhand, maar hier zijn zeker nog verbeterpunten te vinden.

De door ons geselecteerde videos.

Student Hotel hotel review | Hotels in Bucharest | Romanian Hotels
The Student Hotel Groningen hotel review | Hotels in Groningen | Netherlands Hotels
The Student Hotel Eindhoven hotel review | Hotels in Eindhoven | Netherlands Hotels

Nieuwste reviews

The Student Hotel: Meer Dan Een Gewone Accommodatie!

Ik heb onlangs verbleven in 'The Student Hotel' en ik moet zeggen dat ik aangenaam verrast was door mijn verblijf daar. Zoals hun website beschrijft, is het meer dan alleen een hotel - het is een sociaal centrum voor studenten en reizigers. Wat me meteen opviel bij binnenkomst was de trendy ambiance van de lobby, waar je verschillende lounges vindt om te ontspannen of creatief bezig te zijn. Het personeel begroette mij vriendelijk en gaf me snel alle informatie die ik nodig had tijdens mijn check-in. Mijn kamer had een slimme lay-out die maximale functionaliteit bood zonder afbreuk te doen aan comfort of design; elk detail leek zorgvuldig doordacht. De gemeenschappelijke ruimtes waren zeer schoon gehouden en er werden regelmatig activiteiten georganiseerd voor gasten zoals yogalessen, bordspelavonden, filmvertoningen, etc. Bovendien kon ik altijd wel iemand vinden in de gemeenschappelijke eetzaal om gezellig mee te praten onder het genot van heerlijk eten. Kortom, The Student Hotel overtrof zeker mijn verwachtingen als gewoon 'hotel'. Het voelt echt alsof je ergens thuishoort terwijl je op reis bent. Ik zou deze plek ten zeerste aanbevelen aan elke student of reiziger die zoekt naar meer dan alleen een standaard accommodatie-ervaring.

Quinty 2 jaar geleden
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Ich habe zwei Nächste im The Student Hotel in Wien gebucht. Die Preise sind sehr niedrig und das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis ist super! Saubere Zimmer und bequemes Bett. Da bleiben keine Wünsche offen!

Moritz 2 jaar geleden
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My experience with TSH has been awful. In April I booked a space in a double room in Bologna for my son for the Sep22-Jan23 semester. I was assured, over the phone, I could cancel the reservation up to 14 days before check-in. Following the Summer session, my son decided not to return to University in September. At the beginning of July I contacted Reservations and it was impossible to speak to anyone, either in Bologna or in the head office in Amsterdam. I sent an email explaining the situation and was informed I could have cancelled only in the 14 days after the booking was made. Clearly, for this type of booking, this option is pointless! So I now have to pay a penalty in excess of €2,000 (3 full months of the 5 month stay!!!) although they are fully booked for the semester and have a waiting list, nearly 2 months before semester starts!! I was informed I could reduce the penalty to €350 if I find someone to take over the booking which I am now spending hours trying to do through social media. The option of them assigning the room to someone on the waiting list with me paying the penalty is apparently not possible. I am shocked and disgusted at what is a true SCAM making money off honest people by adopting confusing and unreasonable cancellation policies. While the booking is nearly 2 months away and the company would incur no losses by simply making the room available on their website, while also taking a more reasonable cancellation fee from me, they apparently intend to go ahead with this “legalised” THEFT! TSH portray themselves as a student friendly, modern company but their customer service and policies are appalling!

Veronica Di Pinto 2 jaar geleden
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Onze Tiktok aanraders over Student Hotel.

I’ve been staying in hostels bc of how cost effective they are as a student for solo trips but I got lucky with this EasyHotel at a pretty decent price of 55€ as I’m visiting during off-season! Definitely recommend booking this one in Maastricht if you decide to visit this charming historic town and want a little more comfort!

hard rock hotel at desaru review #travel #student #malaysia #desaru

Reply to @rosawomb follow me for more info on how to apply and also video of interior 💗

Slechtste reviews


My experience with TSH has been awful. In April I booked a space in a double room in Bologna for my son for the Sep22-Jan23 semester. I was assured, over the phone, I could cancel the reservation up to 14 days before check-in. Following the Summer session, my son decided not to return to University in September. At the beginning of July I contacted Reservations and it was impossible to speak to anyone, either in Bologna or in the head office in Amsterdam. I sent an email explaining the situation and was informed I could have cancelled only in the 14 days after the booking was made. Clearly, for this type of booking, this option is pointless! So I now have to pay a penalty in excess of €2,000 (3 full months of the 5 month stay!!!) although they are fully booked for the semester and have a waiting list, nearly 2 months before semester starts!! I was informed I could reduce the penalty to €350 if I find someone to take over the booking which I am now spending hours trying to do through social media. The option of them assigning the room to someone on the waiting list with me paying the penalty is apparently not possible. I am shocked and disgusted at what is a true SCAM making money off honest people by adopting confusing and unreasonable cancellation policies. While the booking is nearly 2 months away and the company would incur no losses by simply making the room available on their website, while also taking a more reasonable cancellation fee from me, they apparently intend to go ahead with this “legalised” THEFT! TSH portray themselves as a student friendly, modern company but their customer service and policies are appalling!

Veronica Di Pinto 2 jaar geleden
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The Student Hotel Amsterdam

Our flights were cancelled to Amsterdam due to Covid 19 and therefore we were unable to make our trip. I gave Booking.com 2 months notice and the hotel so it was plenty of time to resolve this with The Student Hotel Amsterdam. Between them both they kept telling me to contact the other party (Booking.com or the Hotel -The Student Hotel Amsterdam) to resolve the booking query. In the end my booking expired and Booking.com advised that they no longer had any part in the booking and the Student Hotel Amsterdam advised that they would only offer us new dates in their hotel until Feb 2021 and not until the same time in August 2021 as per our request. The Hotel are now ignoring my emails. They have now been paid and we are left with nothing.

John Reilly 4 jaar geleden
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Worst experience ever

I would need many hours to describe the nightmare that it was to spend 5 months in TSH Vienna, but I have no energy for that since I lost all my patience with everything related to this place. Still, here I enumerate a few (there are at least a bunch more than what I'll describe...): 1- Unprepared staff: no one knows what they are doing and each person gives different and wrong(!) information about whatever topic you ask them = meaning there's simply no centrally coordinated information about the services, or do's and don'ts and the staff is not trained at all. Furthermore, they assume they are your good friend and write you via Whatsapp (another privacy issue with legal consequences), forgetting that they are actually providing you a service and that they MUST be professional about it. 2- Rules are changing constantly: this would even be a reason for a legal process. After you sign the contract, they change the rules and you're basically obliged to follow them. 3- No privacy in your own room: since this is a hotel, they assume they can simply enter your room whenever they want to, WITHOUT prior notice. No, you can not lock your room from inside! Any staff (basically all of them) with the card can come in. And here I describe it as a CONSTANT inconvenience that happened to me, not once, not twice but five times! And all of this after having complained enough (again information is not properly distributed and the problem kept happening). ...and just so many more. Please don't waste your money, time, patience, peace of mind, staying there for whatever reason. Unless you're a teenager starting university (yes, it has the mood&mess of an erasmus-student-dormitory ) and you don't care about the described (and many more) problems.

Debora 3 jaar geleden
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Beste reviews


Ich habe zwei Nächste im The Student Hotel in Wien gebucht. Die Preise sind sehr niedrig und das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis ist super! Saubere Zimmer und bequemes Bett. Da bleiben keine Wünsche offen!

Moritz 2 jaar geleden
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The Student Hotel: Meer Dan Een Gewone Accommodatie!

Ik heb onlangs verbleven in 'The Student Hotel' en ik moet zeggen dat ik aangenaam verrast was door mijn verblijf daar. Zoals hun website beschrijft, is het meer dan alleen een hotel - het is een sociaal centrum voor studenten en reizigers. Wat me meteen opviel bij binnenkomst was de trendy ambiance van de lobby, waar je verschillende lounges vindt om te ontspannen of creatief bezig te zijn. Het personeel begroette mij vriendelijk en gaf me snel alle informatie die ik nodig had tijdens mijn check-in. Mijn kamer had een slimme lay-out die maximale functionaliteit bood zonder afbreuk te doen aan comfort of design; elk detail leek zorgvuldig doordacht. De gemeenschappelijke ruimtes waren zeer schoon gehouden en er werden regelmatig activiteiten georganiseerd voor gasten zoals yogalessen, bordspelavonden, filmvertoningen, etc. Bovendien kon ik altijd wel iemand vinden in de gemeenschappelijke eetzaal om gezellig mee te praten onder het genot van heerlijk eten. Kortom, The Student Hotel overtrof zeker mijn verwachtingen als gewoon 'hotel'. Het voelt echt alsof je ergens thuishoort terwijl je op reis bent. Ik zou deze plek ten zeerste aanbevelen aan elke student of reiziger die zoekt naar meer dan alleen een standaard accommodatie-ervaring.

Quinty 2 jaar geleden
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My experience with TSH has been awful. In April I booked a space in a double room in Bologna for my son for the Sep22-Jan23 semester. I was assured, over the phone, I could cancel the reservation up to 14 days before check-in. Following the Summer session, my son decided not to return to University in September. At the beginning of July I contacted Reservations and it was impossible to speak to anyone, either in Bologna or in the head office in Amsterdam. I sent an email explaining the situation and was informed I could have cancelled only in the 14 days after the booking was made. Clearly, for this type of booking, this option is pointless! So I now have to pay a penalty in excess of €2,000 (3 full months of the 5 month stay!!!) although they are fully booked for the semester and have a waiting list, nearly 2 months before semester starts!! I was informed I could reduce the penalty to €350 if I find someone to take over the booking which I am now spending hours trying to do through social media. The option of them assigning the room to someone on the waiting list with me paying the penalty is apparently not possible. I am shocked and disgusted at what is a true SCAM making money off honest people by adopting confusing and unreasonable cancellation policies. While the booking is nearly 2 months away and the company would incur no losses by simply making the room available on their website, while also taking a more reasonable cancellation fee from me, they apparently intend to go ahead with this “legalised” THEFT! TSH portray themselves as a student friendly, modern company but their customer service and policies are appalling!

Veronica Di Pinto 2 jaar geleden
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