Mijn indruk van Flowtrack

Om eerlijk te zijn, de reviews over Flowtrack zijn best wisselvallig. Veel mensen vinden de accommodaties top en de prijzen kloppen echt, wat super is. Maar er kloppen ook flink wat klachten over de software die vaak niet werkt zoals het hoort. Zozeggen meerdere gebruikers dat het platform regelmatig hapert of functies simpelweg niet doen wat ze moeten. Ook de klantenservice krijgt niet altijd lof; sommige reviewers melden dat het lang duurt voordat je geholpen wordt en dat de antwoorden niet altijd behulpzaam zijn. Een voorbeeld hiervan is een gebruiker die zei dat hij dagen moest wachten op een oplossing voor een simpele factureringsfout. Ik denk dat Flowtrack flink kan verbeteren door hun technische problemen sneller aan te pakken en de klantenservice te versterken, bijvoorbeeld door meer personeel in te zetten of betere training te geven. Daarnaast zou het duidelijker communiceren over de proefperiode echt helpen om misverstanden te voorkomen.

De door ons geselecteerde videos.

FlowTrack vs GoHighLevel (2024) | Which One is Better?
Flowtrac Detailed Independent Review
Flowtrac Review: Flowtrac is the Best Option

Nieuwste reviews


STAY AWAY FROM FLOWTRACK.CO!!! Their platform does not work and they cannot fix anything. Their integrations for other platforms do not work as well. Their customer service never knows how to fix anything. Its better to call your bank and get whatever funds back you can. The company also doesnt process refunds so manually save your conversations with them because they do not even send copies to your email when you talk with them on their online chat platform. A complete waste of time. PURE BS

Pamela Chukwurah 7 maanden geleden
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Basic Email Sending Does Not Work!

I have had multiple mission-critical emails for my clients simply not send... no reason, just did not send. After the last 2 did not go out almost 3 weeks ago, I have been chatting with their support continuously (transcript included below). They either are not working on my issue, or have no idea how to fix it. Meanwhile I have lost one client and have another waiting on 3 more emails to go out.

Martin Pippin 8 maanden geleden
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Lacks major functionality. Lots of bugs.

Owner is busy building AI bots and not focused on the platform we all paid lifetime deals for. He's active constantly in his CloseGPT group and never in FlowTrack. Lacks major functionality that was promised years ago.

Don't Want To Disclose 11 maanden geleden
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Onze Tiktok aanraders over Flowtrack.

Is this real life, or is it just fantasy? Because itʼs too much for my lil heart 🥲

I see so many women sayinf they got pregnant using “this method” yet arent actually tracking enough data.

Closing FLOW in the Park 2024🌳💥 @FLOW #festival #listentoflow

Slechtste reviews


STAY AWAY FROM FLOWTRACK.CO!!! Their platform does not work and they cannot fix anything. Their integrations for other platforms do not work as well. Their customer service never knows how to fix anything. Its better to call your bank and get whatever funds back you can. The company also doesnt process refunds so manually save your conversations with them because they do not even send copies to your email when you talk with them on their online chat platform. A complete waste of time. PURE BS

Pamela Chukwurah 7 maanden geleden
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They are super shady

They are super shady. Says free trial no cc And blatantly bs.

Jordyn Digital 1 jaar geleden
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Most of their software compnent dont…

Most of their software compnent dont work, 80% of core modules. I have created so many tickets, but they don't have proper ticketing system to track issues. The support staff is out of Pakistan but when you ask them, the support staff will say they are located in Puerto Rico. The support staff are poorly trained and could not understand the issue. The tickets were not resolved on timely manner, and when requested for status, the staff would say its still with DEV team, will let you know when we have ETA. While my issue was urgent for a client, it was Unbelievable to hear such status/feedback from flowtrack.co support. Felt furious when core functionality that is supposed to work as promised, doesnt work.

Rob 1 jaar geleden
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Beste reviews

It's so out of class!

It's so out of class. I love to use it. it is beneficial in business. i is very best for website designing.

Saifullah Sultan 1 jaar geleden
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Flowtrack | Een Actieve Vakantie Voor Jong En Oud

Ik heb laatst een geweldige tijd gehad bij Flowtrack. Ik ben er zowel in de winter als in de zomer naartoe gegaan en beide keren waren fantastisch! De reis was goed georganiseerd en alles verliep soepel. Het personeel was super vriendelijk en behulpzaam, wat mijn verblijf nog aangenamer maakte. Wat ik vooral leuk vond aan Flowtrack is dat het zich echt richt op families en jongeren. Hierdoor ontmoet je snel nieuwe mensen en kun je meteen gezellige activiteiten ondernemen. Zowel tijdens de wintersport- als zomervakantie waren er genoeg leuke activiteiten om te doen, zoals snowboarden of raften. Ook fijn is dat ze meerdere bestemmingen hebben waaruit je kunt kiezen: Spanje, Italië en Frankrijk. Hierdoor heb ik verschillende culturen kunnen ontdekken terwijl ik genoot van een actieve vakantie. Kortom, ik zou Flowtrack absoluut aanbevelen voor iedereen die op zoek is naar een avontuurlijke én gezellige vakantie!

de Vries 2 jaar geleden
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Under Supported

The site looks like a world beater but looks can be deceiving. I purchased their lifetime deal for white label in hopes of building a business using it as my center stone. Unfortunately, most of the services only work 75% of the time. The support department is overwhelmed, and the owner Mike Brown is too busy with other businesses to fix the major problems. The biggest problem is the owner is facing legal problems. I found an article about a previous business he owned providing credit repair service that was based on fraudulent practices. If you Google Credit Bureau Center LLC you will find it. Mike Brown was arrested last October in connection with this case with new charges of wire fraud. I would be very careful choosing this company.

Theo Brown 1 jaar geleden
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