Mijn indruk van Heavy Finance

Ik heb rondgelezen wat de mensen zeggen over Heavy Finance en het is duidelijk dat het voornamelijk goed gaat, vooral met die maandelijkse rente-uitbetalingen die veel investeerders waarderen. Een vriend van me besteedde bijvoorbeeld wat tijd aan een investering in landbouwprojecten en zag echt resultaten. Maar niet alles is rozengeur en maneschijn. Er zijn ook genoeg opmerkingen over de trage klantenservice en soms onduidelijke informatie over de risico's. Het zou top zijn als Heavy Finance hier wat verbetering in kon brengen, zoals snellere reacties op vragen en meer transparante communicatie over de mogelijke risico's. Dat zou de ervaring voor iedereen een stuk beter maken.

De door ons geselecteerde videos.

Heavy Finance Review 🤔 The Best Platform For Agricultural Loans?
Heavy Finance : why I am not investing
Investing In Agricultural Loans 🚜 Hot or not? | CEO Of Heavy Finance - Laimonas Noreika

Nieuwste reviews

Slow recovery

Extremely slow and bad recovery of the defaulted loans. More than a year of delays and they can't even start to sell the collateral. Update: Just stay away, the recovery process is utter and complete disaster. By the time they tried to collect the collateral (500+ days late) the debtor has already sold it. Hilarious company.

Krum Gyurgakov 1 jaar geleden
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Worst investments company in the world

Worst investments company in the world. 80% of portfolio in default, 0 news about debts. Keep your money out of this place!

Lafa Marino 1 jaar geleden
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Loans risk level is not accurate.

Started to invest in 2021. I selected only short loans with low risk levels. Everything works perfectly and I had no defaulted loans. In 2023 situation has been changed. Heavy Finance started to post many loans without collateral but with low risk. I invested in them looking at risk level. That was a big mistake. Majority of those loans been delayed and I had to sell them on secondary market to avoid defaults. Those loans are coming with Personal surety and in case of default is not clear how the borrower pay it. Majority of them are from Bulgaria. Heavy Finance should mark those loans with higher risk level not to confuse investors. Now it's hard to find short term loan with collateral and low risk level.

Night Rider 1 jaar geleden
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Onze Tiktok aanraders over Heavy Finance.

Do you agree with this ranking?🤔Also why do quants make so much money⁉️📈 ©️

Replying to @divyaaaansh tbh would just do CS instead #accountingstudent

Single-handedly the most important thing to do if you want to build wealth is reviewing your finances regularly!

Slechtste reviews

None of my questions were ever answered

In the beginning I have asked them several questions regarding different projects and general questions about taxes etc. NONE of these questions were ever answered. Also the phone often remains unanswered.. Its totally disrespectfull to the invester and to me a big red flag. I am not investing anymore and have taken my money to Lendsecured.

Mar Admi 2 jaar geleden
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Slow recovery

Extremely slow and bad recovery of the defaulted loans. More than a year of delays and they can't even start to sell the collateral. Update: Just stay away, the recovery process is utter and complete disaster. By the time they tried to collect the collateral (500+ days late) the debtor has already sold it. Hilarious company.

Krum Gyurgakov 1 jaar geleden
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Worst investments company in the world

Worst investments company in the world. 80% of portfolio in default, 0 news about debts. Keep your money out of this place!

Lafa Marino 1 jaar geleden
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Beste reviews

Good platform.

Good platform.

Tadas Talaikis 1 jaar geleden
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Excellent platform

Excellent platform. Investing in agriculture is safe, and profitable and you feel like doing the right thing at the same time. I have been investing here for two years already without an issue. Customer support is excellent. Highly recommended 🚜🐄🌱

Jan Kotek 1 jaar geleden
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Rien à redire

Rien à redire! Seul petit soucis l'obligation de devoir passer par Paysera pour les paiements, mais sinon tout est top

Jérémy Pasquet 2 jaar geleden
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