Mijn indruk van Bondster

De reviews over Bondster zijn best wisselvallig. Ik zie dat veel mensen blij zijn met de gebruiksvriendelijke website en de snelle klantenservice, wat ik zelf ook heb ervaren. Het is echt makkelijk om te navigeren en hulp is meestal snel beschikbaar. Aan de andere kant hoor je ook vaak klachten over verborgen extra kosten en vertragingen bij het afhandelen van garanties. Dat vind ik lastig, want het kan echt afbreuk doen aan de ervaring. Een verbeterpunt zou kunnen zijn om transparanter te zijn over alle kosten en het garantieproces duidelijker uit te leggen, zodat er minder verrassingen zijn. Ook merken sommige reviewers dat beloften niet altijd worden nagekomen, wat het vertrouwen schaadt. Als Bondster hier consistenter in wordt, zou dat een groot verschil maken. Al met al zijn er positieve kanten, maar er is zeker ruimte voor verbetering om de ervaringen van gebruikers consistenter positief te maken.

De door ons geselecteerde videos.

Review of the Peer-to-Peer Lending Platform Bondster
Bondster Review
Why I Exited Bondster

Nieuwste reviews

Poor performance

Poor performance. I have many loans delayed over 60 days with buyback guarantee not honored by the platform for months....

Paulo Feitoza 8 maanden geleden
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Account and funds frozen without a way out

I was investing on Bondster for 6 months and was overall happy with the experience and the returns. Until the day I found my login disabled without warning, explanation or even notification. I figured that my account might got hacked, but on inquiry with the support I finally learned that this is supposed to be the way they perform an AML/KYC check. I provided the documents and information they requested. Again nothing happened for a while until I was told that my account got suspended 'due to the suspicion that funds may have been transferred to your account illegally as a result of criminal activity.' Whatever this might mean, as they refuse to give me any further information on what is going on or what I could do to solve this situation. This is going on now for 10 (!) weeks, denying me access to my account and funds. In conclusion, invest only with Bondster if you are fine with that some unregulated private foreign company might withhold your money out of the blue and indefinitely out of arbitrary reasons.

Robert Medel 8 maanden geleden
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Extremely dishonest practices

Extremely dishonest practices. Investors beware! The platform does not allow you to cancel contract when the only investments that are left are defaulted loans. THEY KEEP CHARGING YOU MONTHLY FEES FOR THESE DEFAULTED INVESTMENT. This is as unethical as it gets. You are forced to stay for years, cannot give up the loans, cannot exit, cannot terminate contract while the fees are piling up and exceed the original investments! In addition they recently secretly charge extra fee in Euros, only when I complained they explained that this was a mistake they made in the past when they added extra interest and now they only corrected it, are you serious? How many mistakes like this go unnoticed. And Im not even talking about the buyback guarantee which in reality does not exists.

investor 9 maanden geleden
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Onze Tiktok aanraders over Bondster.

REVIEW ☀️ dit product komt bij mij in de kast met SPF voor op het lichaam 🙏🏻 welke SPF zal ik hierna testen?

these products are HORRIBLE!! never use them . #PetSmartMadeMeBuyIt

Akhirnya beli Medicube Age R Booster Pro! Penasaran bgt sama hasilnya krn ini pertama kali gw punya beauty device kaya gini. So gw bakalan bikin update pemakaian secara berkala! Gw tertarik beli ini alat krn concern wajah gw tu pori2 besar, kurang hidrasi dan mulai sagging ya krn faktor umur saay! Kita lihat aja ya nanti hasilnya gimana

Slechtste reviews

Extremely dishonest practices

Extremely dishonest practices. Investors beware! The platform does not allow you to cancel contract when the only investments that are left are defaulted loans. THEY KEEP CHARGING YOU MONTHLY FEES FOR THESE DEFAULTED INVESTMENT. This is as unethical as it gets. You are forced to stay for years, cannot give up the loans, cannot exit, cannot terminate contract while the fees are piling up and exceed the original investments! In addition they recently secretly charge extra fee in Euros, only when I complained they explained that this was a mistake they made in the past when they added extra interest and now they only corrected it, are you serious? How many mistakes like this go unnoticed. And Im not even talking about the buyback guarantee which in reality does not exists.

investor 9 maanden geleden
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Account and funds frozen without a way out

I was investing on Bondster for 6 months and was overall happy with the experience and the returns. Until the day I found my login disabled without warning, explanation or even notification. I figured that my account might got hacked, but on inquiry with the support I finally learned that this is supposed to be the way they perform an AML/KYC check. I provided the documents and information they requested. Again nothing happened for a while until I was told that my account got suspended 'due to the suspicion that funds may have been transferred to your account illegally as a result of criminal activity.' Whatever this might mean, as they refuse to give me any further information on what is going on or what I could do to solve this situation. This is going on now for 10 (!) weeks, denying me access to my account and funds. In conclusion, invest only with Bondster if you are fine with that some unregulated private foreign company might withhold your money out of the blue and indefinitely out of arbitrary reasons.

Robert Medel 8 maanden geleden
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Buyback and Exit of Investments are NOT guaranteed

I've been with them for a while now and I was lulled into the promise of buyback and exit guarantees with various investments. Now, I've lost around 2000 EUR because they cant get the money back. One investment is overdue a bit over 6 months now and even though it stated I can exit after 60 days, that is not possible anymore. Also, the buyback guarantee of being late 60 days or more is not being upupheld. Sadly, if you are looking for a decent investment oppertunity, this is not it.

Oliver Graf 9 maanden geleden
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Beste reviews

Good experience so far

Good experience so far. Diversification via Autoinvest is possible and minimum invest is 5 Euro. Of course, P2P lending has chances and risks. That´s clear. But I read some negative comments here that are not really fair or quite naiv. Therefore I would recommend to read some blogs or articles about how to invest P2P before complaining. Risks are part of the game, but this also leads to (possible) high returns.

Capital Insider 3 jaar geleden
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Perfect And stable platform in Czech EU

Perfect And stable platform in Czech EU

Michal Zámečník 5 jaar geleden
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Venho investindo desde 2019

Venho investindo desde 2019. É semelhante ao Mintos, mas na Europa Central. Bom para diversificação através de plataformas e produtos. Eu tinha alguma outra plataforma de crowdfunding, mas o rendimento girava em torno de 10%. com Bondster eu consigo mais.

Gustavo Giacomini Dias 1 jaar geleden
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