Coursera: Online Leren: Echt Zo Goed Als Iedereen Zegt? Ontdek de Ware Waarheid!
Mijn indruk van Coursera
Persoonlijk vind ik de reviews over Coursera best wisselend. Veel mensen zijn enthousiast over de grote keuze aan cursussen en de samenwerking met topuniversiteiten, wat ik ook heel waardevol vind. Maar er zijn ook genoeg klachten die me niet onberoerd laten. Bijvoorbeeld, meerdere gebruikers meldden dat ze onverwacht extra kosten werden aangerekend zonder duidelijke uitleg. Dat frustreert natuurlijk. Ook is er vaak kritiek op de klantenservice; het lijkt soms lang te duren voordat je een reactie krijgt op je probleem. Daarnaast zijn er berichten over bugs in de interface, waardoor het volgen van een cursus ineens lastig wordt. Ik zou graag zien dat Coursera meer consistentie brengt in de kwaliteit van hun cursussen en transparanter is over de kosten. Ook een snellere en vriendelijkere klantenservice zou een groot verschil maken. Al met al, Coursera heeft veel potentie, maar er is zeker ruimte voor verbetering om de gebruikerservaring te optimaliseren.De door ons geselecteerde videos.
Nieuwste reviews
Disappointing content from Google and…
Disappointing content from Google and Coursera allowing this to go on. This website is a diploma mill.
No email reminders regarding course…
No email reminders regarding course subscription, but I guess that is how they make money. Very unethical.
No email on subscription signup
Signed up for a single course 7 day free trial not realising there was the monthly coursera plus subscription too. No email issued despite this being a subscription based course offer. And the UI kept interfacing between the two pages so it was tricky to get to profile page to find the original subscription page. It all seems dodgy. Cancelled immediately.
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Slechtste reviews
Very clever business 👨💼 to enroll the…
Very clever business 👨💼 to enroll the course and pay for a month! I just learned that my course was cancelled after I passed already 80% of the content! They give you dates to load up your content, but it’s not possible over laptop nor Smartphone! But when I assign to an online course, I want to accomplish at my pace… the requested content I had ready a long time! They don’t send any message nor description. I also didn’t like the videos as much! Very simple content! Well, do the maths - they make a lot of money! Bad service, I won’t recommend it!
I doubt how they check your…
I doubt how they check your assignments. Many times happen to submit my assignment and after 15 minutes i had grade. I completed the 6 courses of professional UX design, when i completed the 7th course and was ready to take the certificate, they remembered to cancel my grade of the 2nd week because of plagiarism. They were asking to find real participants to test our app so to have quotes feedback. I couldn't find people to make this check so i put ai to write some hypothetical quotes about participants' pain points . Because of this i lost 6-7 months hard work, because of one assignment which they never give me the chance to resubmit again when for the rest assignments you can try again many times. Also i doubt if with this certificate you can find job. All job listings are asking experience, they are looking for figma and adobe xd experts so how you can compete these candidates if you have no experience and they don't teach you much to draw professionally on figma and adobe xd.
I would give them 0 stars if I could
I would give them 0 stars if I could . Wish I had read the reviews beforehand. There is absolutely no way of contacting this ‘company’ via email or phone call. I signed up for a Fundamentals course in Microsoft 365 and completed it a couple of days after the 14 day trial period - but when I tried to cancel so I wouldn’t have to pay for the second, or third month.. they were having absolutely none of it. One of the advisors lied to me and said that they had cancelled my subscription only for me to be charged £40 a week later! I can’t believe this company sees fit to lie and bill people for subscriptions without their knowledge or consent, it’s really scummy.
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Beste reviews
What can I say...
I've been using Coursera since 2019 and have done at least a dozen courses. It's a great platform and always flexible to my needs. The plus option gives a lot of perspective and freedom. Also, I could still take courses and get the certificate when I couldn't pay for the plus option due to financial aid. Overall I had only a positive experience.
User Coursera da anni, un'ottima scelta!
Utilizzo Coursera da anni ed è una piattaforma performante, semplice da utilizzare, ben strutturata che offre l'accesso a corsi e cerificazioni delle migliori università, aziende e istituti del mondo. Per quanto riguarda la struttura dei corsi e il contenuto di cui qualcuno si è lamentato in altre recensioni: dipende tutto dal creatore del corso, non da Coursera! Al momento sto seguendo un corso di Google ed è molto ben fatto, pratico, dettagliato, ben strutturato, con esempi concreti. Dovete saper scegliere bene, ma la piattaforma offre un servizio ottimo! Mai avuto nessun problema a ricevere le certificazioni. Sinceramente non capisco le altre recensioni, anche avendo utilizzato diverse piattaforme simili!
I am really happy with Coursera so far!
I am really happy with Coursera so far! I had enrolled on a course, then un enrolled...then re enrolled. So was dreading paying twice, sent customer care a message yesterday and haven't heard anything from them but everything's sorted! I like learning this way, this feels right for me